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Light Therapy LED

The clinical benefits of LED (Light Emitting Diodes) treatment, often known as Low-Level Light-Therapy (LLLT), have been known for decades.
The mask emits a precise combination of LED light wavelengths, designed to provide optimum treatment. All the LED modes utilise Infra-Red light
(830nm) in combination with visible light of selectable wavelength
The 830nm infra-Red light is invisible to the naked eye, but will penetrate deeper than other colours in the spectrum, leading to increased blood flow.
The increasing blood flow brings elevated levels of oxygen and nutrients to the face and neck whilst helping remove waste products, and has effects such as:
Combating the signs of ageing
Nourishing the dermal and deeper lying epidermal cells epidermal cells
Speeding up the healing process
In addition to the Infra-Red 830nm wavelength light emission, the mask can be programmed to emit either a Red light of 630nm wavelength, a blue light of 415nm,
or a combination of the two - a purple light of 415nm and 630nm wavelength.
630nm red light is clearly visible to the naked eye and reaches deep into the skin layers. It causes a rejuvenation effect by stimulating collagen production,
promoting cellular repair and increasing circulation; making the skin look more youthful.
415nm blue light is also visible to the naked eye and is proven to have anti-bacterial properties. These properties result in the destruction of bacteria such as those causing acne.
The blue light also helps purify the skin, stabilise oil secreting glands and calm inflammation.
Combining the two visible lights with the Infra-red allows treatment of complex skin conditions. (415nm and 630nm) The mask operates at both wavelengths and then combines
the two wavelengths for visible purple light. This purple light combines the properties of both the blue and the red light meaning a combined Acne and skin rejuvenation program.

This facial is suitable for all skin types and can be used as often as twice a week




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