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Laser Tattoo Removal

The number of treatment sessions required for tattoo removal varies from patient to patient depending on the size and color of the tattoo. Your tattoo may require two to four sessions only
or sometimes it may take about 10 sessions for clearer results. There are various types of lasers for tattoo removal and the variation from patient to patient depends on the age, size and type of tattoo.
The type of the skin and depth of pigments of tattoo also affect the removal technique and results.
The procedure for tattoo removal is quite a short and easy procedure. Laser energy is introduced to the area of skin having tattoo with a hand piece. The laser targets the pigments of the tattoo and eliminates them by breaking them down.
Smaller and darker tattoos require less sessions because dark colors are better responsive to laser energy as compared to light colors. As the result of every successive session tattoo becomes lighter till it is eliminated completely.
The only discomfort felt during the procedure is same as the snapping of rubber band on the skin.

Side effects of laser tattoo removal:
If we talk about the side effects or risks associated with laser tattoo removal, it does not cause any serious risks or complications if performed correctly and properly. However, it does cause certain minimal side effects that are common and temporary.
Some of them are as follows.
Redness, swelling and bruising are the side effects that are common and temporary.
If your skin is allergic to laser, the treatment can leave permanent scarring behind but it is not common.
In some cases, the treatment can also cause hypo pigmentation or hyper pigmentation.
In case of cosmetic tattoos like eyeliner, lip liner and eyebrows, the treatment area may darken requiring further treatments.

Benefits of laser tattoo removal:
If we consider the benefits of laser tattoo removal, it is considered the most beneficial treatment for tattoo removal as compared to any other tattoo removal method. Some of its benefits are given below.
It removes the tattoo completely and provides you with clear skin.
It is virtually painless procedure unlike other tattoo removal methods like salabrasion, excision and Dermabrasion.
The procedure is effective for any type and color of pigment.
This treatment is safe and does not cause any serious complications if you have selected an experienced dermatologist or laser specialist.
In short, laser tattoo removal is the most effective and safe method to get rid of unwanted tattoos on the skin.
Laser tattoo removal may not be suitable for you if you have a dark skin tone; this is due to the potential of the treatment leaving a ‘ghosting’ effect, where the skin is lighter than the surrounding area.
If you have a particularly deep or stubborn tattoo with green or blue ink or require a shorter treatment time than average, which are designed
to offer removal in a shorter period and can be really effective on certain colours.
In some cases, the most appropriate form of removal for a tattoo could be excision. This involves having the tattoo surgically removed using a scalpel. Although more invasive, it can sometimes be the most
effective solution and may also be quicker than laser removal. Our practitioners can assess your tattoo and determine which solution is most appropriate.
Laser tattoo removal can cause a stinging sensation but most people do not experience high level of discomfort during the treatment. Local anaesthetic cream can be used and/or pain relief, such as paracetamol.
Redness in the area is common after the procedure, but subsides quickly. The skin will be sensitive after your treatment so we recommend high-factor sun block. A combination of skin care products will be recommended to you after the treatment.
You may experience a lightening or darkening of the affected skin, though in most cases this returns to normal after six months.


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